Holistic Nutrition & Health Coaching

Ready to embrace a life of freedom and joy?

Hi, I’m Jo and I’ve created Liberation Wellbeing to hold space as you reclaim a life filled with freedom, abundance and joy.

Are you ready to reorient towards profound health and wellbeing? I believe you deserve all that and more!

As a Nutritional Therapist and Holistic Health Coach I work with women who have become overstretched in the work, life, home balancing act and struggle to find time for the most important person in their lives – themselves! My clients are mothers, entrepreneurs and professionals who are passionate, ready to navigate life with ease and say NO MORE to self-sacrifice and feeling depleted 24/7. We work closely together to implement creative solutions to overcome health and lifestyle challenges including: an overworked nervous system, digestive and skin issues, hormone imbalances through different life stages (including perimenopause and menopause) and crazy low energy.

The ethos of Liberation Wellbeing is to promote lasting, positive change through implementing nutrient-dense nutrition and my Functional Rituals (that work!) enabling you reimagine and reclaim what was there all along.

interested to discover more?

Let’s arrange a 15 minute no-obligation Insight Call to see how we can work together.