Reimagine & Reclaim

Come on a journey with me as we explore all things health and wellbeing…

Jo Asquith Jo Asquith

How I will embrace the winter solstice…

Hands up who starts out the year with resolutions that, by the time the shine has worn off January, have fallen a little to the wayside. Really, it does seem kind of overwhelming to set ourselves goals at the start of the year that we don’t check on again until the year is up. Doesn’t it!?

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Jo Asquith Jo Asquith

Why I love breathwork

Life can be so crazy and we may find ourselves constantly sitting with a feeling of things not being quite right. This feeling of unease is actually our nervous system responding to what is happening in our brain. It’s impossible to avoid stress altogether so incorporating breathwork into the day can help you move from stressed out to calm balance naturally.

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Jo Asquith Jo Asquith

What is functional nutrition?

By ensuring the very foundations of what you eat and drink are balanced, you can regulate your digestion and blood sugar and ensure you are getting adequate fatty acids, minerals and hydration based on a bio-individualised approach. Whereas some eating plans and diets focus on symptom management, functional nutrition nourishes the whole self.... holistically. Your health concerns along with your short and long-term goals are addressed via a foundational approach to health and wellbeing.

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Jo Asquith Jo Asquith

5 tips to optimize your health through mineral balance.

One of my favourite conversations to have with clients is on the amazing, multi-faceted benefits of minerals. Incredibly, although the human body does not make minerals itself, the micronutrients – vitamins and minerals – we consume each day have a critical role in ensuring a properly functioning body. The importance of ensuring we source the required minerals and their cofactors in our food cannot be overstated. So how can we be sure we are getting what we need each day? And what situations may increase our mineral need?

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