How I will embrace the winter solstice…

Hands up who starts out the year with resolutions that, by the time the shine has worn off January, have fallen a little to the wayside. Really, it does seem kind of overwhelming to set ourselves goals at the start of the year that we don’t check on again until the year is up. Doesn’t it!?

Thank goodness the winter solstice has arrived. Traditionally revered as being a time for a magical new chapter, why not use the energy of the solstice to reflect on the dreams, hopes, aspirations and goals you wish for yourself as you move into the second half of 2024 (not forgetting to celebrate what you have achieved already this year!).

This time of the year, I plan to reflect, dream, imagine and rest. My favorite rituals for embracing the solstice are:


It can be easy to forget to keep ourselves properly hydrated in winter.... it can appear too cold and unappealing when we are cold already! Our body relies on water to perform countless physiological functions. Ensuring you are drinking enough pure water each day helps to improve your digestion, boost energy, clear your head and think with greater clarity. Having clarity will lead to employing more creative solutions to bumps in the road and enable you to move in flow with life.


What a difference including a walk or two in your day can make! I am walking more frequently in winter as it’s a beautiful time of the year to be outside in nature, plus it feels very achievable. It’s so easy to get up, grab a hat, jacket, put shoes on and GO!!! If you are really short on time, even 10-15 minutes will confer benefits.... ESPECIALLY if you go after eating a meal as this will help with good blood sugar regulation. You’ll feel more energized, fitter and stronger. Personally, regular walking has helped me become more focused and given my creativity a boost – seriously, try it for a week and see.


I’ll be using these journaling prompts to reflect on the past 6 months:

  • Where am I now? Is this where I envisioned I’d be at this point in the year?

  • What are my goals, hopes and aspirations for the next 3 and 6 months?

  • What simple steps do I need to take each day and each week to get there?

Make a point of spending 15 minutes each week to reflect on your goals and mark your calendar to check-in again in September for a review.

Happy Solstice!


Why I love breathwork