
Unearthing a deep trust in your self.

When the quiet, little voice inside tells you tells you there is more...

My deep love for nutrition and wellbeing began after the birth of my son in 2011. With zero energy, constantly in fight, flight, freeze and fueling myself on muffins, toast and coffee, I was beyond depleted. With tests at the doctor’s all within ‘normal’ range, I was inspired to look elsewhere for answers. In a bookshop one day, a book about never being sick again awoken my interest. It claimed that being unwell wasn’t just an inevitable part of life, but that each of us can choose to live a life of abundance and good health. We age – yes – but we don’t necessarily have to deteriorate as well. Could it really be so simple?

It was from there that I realised it was not only possible, but NORMAL human physiology to be well, and that profound health was within my reach. Of course, like peeling the layers of an onion, the path through healing to health is not straightforward. It is a journey where I’ve constantly learnt to grow and evolve. A unique and perfect journey available for each of us.

The epic game-changer for me was realising we can literally CHANGE our stress response and our physiology in any situation with the breath. Being resistant to quietening the mind and doing anything slowly, I had decided meditation just wasn’t for me. Not until I practised HypnoBirthing when my daughter was born in 2018 did I realise how much our conscious mind can impact our outcomes. I moved onto trying various styles of breathwork and became a trained Breathwork Facilitator in 2021.

Over the years, I have switched out a diet of consuming ‘stuff’ that doesn’t suit (highly processed convenience foods, mainstream media, limiting beliefs...), for one that nourishes my whole self. Importantly, I discovered that nourishment doesn’t just come from food. Every aspect of life is an opportunity to discover where our nourishment comes from. Our thoughts, connections with others, the air we breathe, water we drink and the sun all complement the nutrients we eat. This discovery lead to a feeling of empowerment which is difficult to describe, and of course is very personal to each person. It is often impossible to put into words.

I have arrived at a profound passion to authentically hold space for others on their journey. A journey covering it ALL, from the science of nutrition, anatomy and physiology through to an exploration of the quantum world which I discovered has a unique and critical role in robust health. What an honour it is to hold the space for others no matter where on their path they are.

Although I often describe my offering as the ultimate N=1 study, it is actually the culmination of 10+ years of formal and informal study, research and practice.

My formal qualifications are:

  • Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (Nutritional Therapy Association)

  • Breathwork Facilitator (BreathingCold Bali)

  • Functional Blood Chemistry Specialist (Fundamenta Wellness Institute)

I’m a passionate fan of…

  • Learning. ALWAYS!

  • Ditching complicated recipes - keep it simple.

  • The beach and swimming in the ocean - my temple.

  • Practicing the ART of showing up for myself. Even when it’s tough.

  • Laughing and joking everyday - even if my kids don’t find me particularly funny!

  • Beauty being found everywhere - spending time with loved ones, wearing your favourite outfit, time in nature, small interactions with others… Where can beauty not be found?!!

“True liberation means we are in the driver's seat of our own health and wellbeing journey. We can forego the dogma, choose the tools that work for us and easily release what does not serve”

— Jo Asquith